Daily Movement Challenge:

Join the Daily Movement Challenge today!!
Starting Jan 3rd 2022!

The premise is to make a commitment to MOVE! These are NOT crazy workouts and ideally will only take you 10-20min (some times may vary depending on your training level & a slight learning curve in the beginning, but the idea is to keep it short & simple!).
Once you apply, I will invite you to join my online training app and send over a few waivers. From there, we will do most of our communication through the app! I will place daily movement drills on your calendar and then it’s your job to do them!! I’ll obviously be around for questions & simple modifications, but it’ll be up to you to commit and do the work!

The Winner (determined by most completed days or consistency - the app shows me all sorts of data!) will receive 1 FREE month of online training.
The Runner-up will receive half off their choice of online training (personalized or a program).
EVERYONE will develop a new habit! 🤗